
One person's trash is another person's treasure...

... and then, of course, there are times trash is just trash. But beautiful nonetheless. Now, for some family-attic childhood nostalgia...

BOSE: better sound through research (LISTEN TO THAT!!!)
SHARP: From sharp minds come sharp products (*FIST PUMP*)

ONKYO: imaginative sight & sound (YES, YES, YES!!)
I hope this is exciting someone else out there in the blogosphere. Oh, the TECHNOLOGY! State of the art VCR's, giant boxy TV's, surround systems, CD players...   Good memories. Does anyone remember repurposing these giant boxes into houses, forts, lairs, caves, and buses as kids? THOSE were the days. (Actually, I am sitting in one such fort as I write this. Just kidding.)

And this gem! This was a science project I did in the Fourth Grade involving rate and velocity, I think... I installed my brother's GeoTrax on top and let loose some remote controlled trains. Exciting stuff, if I do say so myself. What a cool kid I was. (What happened? Jeez.)

Kudos, all.

P.S. For anyone whose wondering, we recycle. Of course.


  1. Exciting! I love finding old boxes (I used to love playing in them as a kid! Haha!)

    Lost in the Haze

  2. Oh my god, I hope you found a Sega Genesis in there too!! I found mine a few months ago and my productivity has gone down about 15%.


Love and kudos.